
Monday, 14 April 2014

Green Our City

We Can Make A Difference!
Earth day is celebrated on April 22. We can build more wind mills to clean our cities. -Ethan

We recycle so we can make new things out of old things. We can recycle pop cans, paper and plastic. - Jeremy

I ride my bike to the park so I won't put all that exhaust in the world- Domenic  

DON'T  LITTER. It could hurt other animals.  Like if you have those plastic can holders an animal could get it's head stuck. - Jeremy

Try to keep the world clean by picking up garbage. -Michael

I will throw my garbage in the garbage can. -Brooklyn

Don't litter because it's wrong! -Julia

Plant more trees and flowers. -Jeremy

I told my mom and dad to use more cloth bags when they go shopping. -Claudia 

Recycle things like milk cartons, juice boxes, paper and cans. -Lauren

Friday, 28 March 2014

Spirit Week at Athlone

Our class enjoyed participating in the Athlone School Spirit Week put on by our Parent Council!
Crazy Hat & Hair Day

Pink Day in support of anti-bullying

Beach Day!

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Mr. Popper's Penguins.

We enjoyed listening to Mrs. Pollock read Mr. Popper's Penguins to us. It was a great read aloud! We really liked listening and learning about the penguins. After the book was finished we got to watch the movie. The movie was really funny. The book and the movie had some things that were the same and some things that were different.
What we liked about the book and the movie:
-I liked when the penguins were performing and they were sliding on their bellies and knocked over the other penguins that were on the ladder. I also liked the part when Jamie kicked the soccer ball at Mr. Popper's face and he got a bloody nose. -Jeremy
I liked when they went to the wrong theatre by accident and they were arrested. -Hunter
When the penguins flooded the bathroom. -Lennon
I liked it when Captain Cook was flying in the movie. -Tynysha
I liked the part when the penguins would say "Gok". -Michael
At the end, when they penguins all got home and Captain Cook layed an egg. -Gracie
When they made the track in the apartment with snowmen and real snow. -Lauren
When Stinky was in the bathtub and he farted in it. -Julia
I liked when the penguins sat on the snow globe instead of the egg. -Claudia
My favourite part was when he was holding the penguin and it started pooping on him. -Brooklyn
When Mr. Pooper was squeezing them and trying to make them poop in the human toilet. -Kaitlyn
I liked it when the penguins were coming out of the box and Mr. Pooper was getting confused because he didn't know they were real penguins. -Tynysha
I liked it when the penguins were swimming in the bathtub and Mr. Popper opened the door and the water flooded everything. -Riley
At the auction when the penguins chose Mr. Popper instead of the fish. -Gracie

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

100th Day of School

Wow. I can't believe it's the 100th day of school already! A lot has happened in Room 24 in the last 100 days. We've made new friends, learned how to skip count, learned about objects and materials, written stories, baked cookies and so much more! We still have a lot more to learn until June, but we thought we'd celebrate the first 100 days with some fun activities. Take a look below to see how we spent our morning last Friday. 

I adapted from Cara Carroll's (First Grade Parade)  punch card idea for students to keep track of the centres the had completed.
M. seeing how many times he can clap his hands in 100 seconds.

K. and J. playing Roll to 100!

B. making 10 groups of 10 on her bubble gum machine.

Writing a poem about "100".

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Bananagrams Game - Pink Group

Every Wednesday we have spelling centres  so we can sort and practice our spelling words for that week. One of the centers is usually Bananagrams. Most of us started playing Bananagrams when we were in grade one.
We started with the word "Februaury" and with 9 tiles each. We went around the circle and added words to the first word. We played until their were no more tiles in the center. -Daniel                      
We played until we had no tiles in the extra pile. -Jeremy  
We had a lot of fun! -Claudia
There were 6 players. We had fun! -Lauren
At the end of game,  we made 34 words. My friend made the word of a person in our favourite book (Moshi Monsters) -Ethan
It took us the whole period to play. -Daniel
We started during spelling and we went into reading. -Jeremy
At the end we mixed up the words. -Claudia              
At the end we got to use the extra letters to make any word at any time. -Ethan
We put our tiles in the middle to make more words. -Daniel
There were a few words that were the same. We played for 30 minutes. -Lauren
It took a long time to play the game. -Claudia
It was the best game I ever played. It was so fun! I made long words. -Ethan

Monday, 20 January 2014

Maps and Globes

Our class has spent the last couple of weeks looking at globes and maps. We have talked about how they are same and how they are different. Each student had a chance to make their own globe. We used a balloon to give us the shape of the earth. We then took strips of newspaper and dipped them into a flour and water mixture and covered the balloon with them. Once the paper hardened, we painted it blue to represent water. Each student had also coloured a map with the continents on it. We cut those out and glued them on our balloons to create our globes! Students also worked hard creating a map of our classroom.

This is what the students had to say . . .
We have been learning about maps and globes. A map is 2D and a globe is 3D. -Lauren
A globe is round and a map is flat. -Daniel
A globe shows the countries and the oceans and a map shows more details. A map also has a legend. -Daniel
We blew up balloons and dipped pieces of newspaper into flour and water (paper mache) and stuck them on the balloon. When they dried we painted the globe blue. When the paint was dry, we cut out our coloured maps and glued them on the globe. -Claudia
We made these maps that showed part of the world and we did not paint the water because we painted the globes blue for present water. -Jeremy
We read a book about maps and it showed the city. I learned that maps are flat. -Michael
Maps have landmarks and you can find your way around the city by using one. -Brooklyn
We made a map for our classroom. We drew what's inside our classroom. -Julia
Maps have legends that show us little things that we can find on the map. It tells us what they mean. -Theo

T. & B enjoying paper mache!

A., B., & S. with their finished globes!

A map of our classroom.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Bullying Awareness Week

November 17-23 marks Bullying Awareness Week in Canada.

Here is a link to the video we watched to get the conversation started in our classroom.

Below are our thoughts on what we are going to try doing in our classroom and our school.