
Wednesday, 19 February 2014

100th Day of School

Wow. I can't believe it's the 100th day of school already! A lot has happened in Room 24 in the last 100 days. We've made new friends, learned how to skip count, learned about objects and materials, written stories, baked cookies and so much more! We still have a lot more to learn until June, but we thought we'd celebrate the first 100 days with some fun activities. Take a look below to see how we spent our morning last Friday. 

I adapted from Cara Carroll's (First Grade Parade)  punch card idea for students to keep track of the centres the had completed.
M. seeing how many times he can clap his hands in 100 seconds.

K. and J. playing Roll to 100!

B. making 10 groups of 10 on her bubble gum machine.

Writing a poem about "100".

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Bananagrams Game - Pink Group

Every Wednesday we have spelling centres  so we can sort and practice our spelling words for that week. One of the centers is usually Bananagrams. Most of us started playing Bananagrams when we were in grade one.
We started with the word "Februaury" and with 9 tiles each. We went around the circle and added words to the first word. We played until their were no more tiles in the center. -Daniel                      
We played until we had no tiles in the extra pile. -Jeremy  
We had a lot of fun! -Claudia
There were 6 players. We had fun! -Lauren
At the end of game,  we made 34 words. My friend made the word of a person in our favourite book (Moshi Monsters) -Ethan
It took us the whole period to play. -Daniel
We started during spelling and we went into reading. -Jeremy
At the end we mixed up the words. -Claudia              
At the end we got to use the extra letters to make any word at any time. -Ethan
We put our tiles in the middle to make more words. -Daniel
There were a few words that were the same. We played for 30 minutes. -Lauren
It took a long time to play the game. -Claudia
It was the best game I ever played. It was so fun! I made long words. -Ethan